Psychotherapy, and Trauma treatment Zürich  Online
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General (Switerland - Europe
Trauma- / PTBS- Organizationen (Intrnl.)

Trauma- und PTBS-Ausbildung (Internatonal)
 PTBS und Trauma Testing
Trauma - Literature (English)

Allgemein   (Schweiz - Europa)

ISAP (International Seminar for Analytical Psychology

C. G. Jung Institut Zürich

 SPV/ASP (Schweizer Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten Verband)

SGAP (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie)
ISSD  (International Society for the Study of Dissociation)

EMDR-Schweiz (Fachgesellschaft der Schweizer EMDR-TherapeutInnen)

HAZ (Homosexuelle Arbeitsgruppen Zürich)

Medigay, (Schwule und Lesben im Gesundheitswesen)

Herausgeber eines Verzeichnisses für Fremdsprachige PsychotherapeutInnen

Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie

Interventionsstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt des Kanton Zürich

Vereinigung Schweiz. Kinder- und Jugendpsychologen

Verband Aargauischer Psychologinnen und Psychologen

World Council for Psychtherapy WCP

EAP European Association for Psychotherapy   Beratungsstelle Nottelefon
für Frauen - gegen sexuelle Gewalt




EMDR - Fachorganizationen  (Schweiz/International)

EMDR-Institut Östereich

EMDR-Institut Schweiz

EMDR-Institut Deutschland

EMDR Institute


EMDR International association


Trauma- / PTBS- Organizationen (International)

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies  ISTSS

The PTSD Alliance , An alliance of several professional and advocacy organizations, seeking to educate individuals diagnosed with PTSD.

Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies  ASTSS

European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies , The ESTSS website includes society bulletins, conference report, and European trauma links.

UK Trauma Group  This British site provides information on trauma and on the various traumatic stress reactions, including PTSD.

Trauma Clinic, London Website for Dr. Stuart Turner's Trauma Clinic, in London, with information on trauma and traumatic-stress reactions.

The Traumatic Stress Centre (Wales)
Trauma website in Wales includes information about services,

American Psychological Association's Trauma Psychology Division
Division 56, the newest division of the APA, is focused solely on trauma psychology.

European Society for Trauma and Dissociation
ESTD aims to increase knowledge of all disorders related to chronic traumatization.


Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health Australian site offers PTSD information, as well as resources, links, and treatment.

Canadian Foundation for Trauma Research & Education 
CFTRE, in Vancouver BC, is committed to conduct research & train professionals in effectively treating people who suffer trauma symptoms.

Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc.
TIP establishes chapters of volunteers who provide support to emotionally traumatized citizens immediately after tragedy.

Trauma- und PTBS-Ausbildung (Internatonal):

e IT's OCW is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world -- 700 courses.

Webcast Berkeley: online courses & speakers at UC Berkeley UC Berkeley courses and speakers, available via webcast or podcast.

International Trauma Studies Program
Now at Columbia University, ITSP offers certificate programs in both international & domestic trauma studies.


PTBS und Trauma Testing

Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey
Several (12- and 14-item) versions of the BBTS, available on this page, along with abstract of a paper under review.

Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire
Nijenhuis, et al' SDQ scale (20 items) assesses somatoform dissociation; here in PDF format. Additional information here.

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV: Dissociative Disorders
SCID-D-R Resources & References, from Marlene Steinberg's website.

Briere's Trauma Symptom Scales Several trauma-related checklists or scales, designed by John Briere, as listed on his website.

Trauma Symptom Checklist 40
John Briere's TSC-40 measures aspects of posttraumatic stress in adults; use restricted to professional researchers.

Childhood Maltreatment Interview Schedule
John Briere's CMIS assesses childhood maltreatment in an interview format; use restricted to professional researchers.

Child Trauma Assessment
Ricky Greenwald's page of assessment scales & articles on assessing trauma in children.

Assessing Posttraumatic Responses of Children
Ken Fletcher's Kid Surv newsletter lists several child-specific measures of kid's exposure and reactions to traumatic events.

Trauma - Literature (English)

Beauchaine (2001). Vagal tone, development, & Gray's motivational theory... Ted Beauchaine's
 article combining Porges' polyvagal & Gray's motivational theories.

Cannon (1942/1957). "Voodoo" death. Walter Cannon's seminal article on death through the
 shock of terror

van der Kolk (& others) Complex Trauma & DESNOS: Assessment & Treatment on assessment
 and treatment of DESNOS.

Drescher Abueg 1995 after Hurricane Iniki, on Kauai.
Psychophysiological indicators of PTSD following Iniki

Farley and others Prostitution: Research & Education on prostitution and traumatic stress (PTSD

Freyd and colleagues J.J. Freyd's Trauma, Memory & Betrayal Trauma Research List of articles
on betrayal trauma theory, some with abstracts & full-texts (some are PDF format),

Harrington Therapy for PTSD: Whose Search for Meaning? from the Vietnam Generation Journal,
 questions therapists' assumptions concerning PTSD.

Hopenwasser JAMWA, 1998 Dissociative Disorders in Women consequences of violence against
women; 80 referenc

Lasting Bremner (1999) reviews the broad impact of childhood abuse and other
 traumas on memory and the hippocampus.Effects of Psychological Trauma on
 Memory and the Hippocampus

Levine Memory, Trauma & Healing differentiates between implicit (procedural) and explicit memory in trauma healing.

Levine Trauma: the Vortex of Violence describes emotional trauma as the urge to escape while not being able to.

McNally, Bryant & Ehlers (2003). Does early psychological intervention promote recovery from
posttraumatic stress?
  Article discusses concerns about debriefing after critical incidents.

Mousa Abdel Aziz PTSD in Children of War PTSD in Palestinian children

Nisbett & Wilson (1977) Telling more than we can know... Article describes difficulties in introspective awareness of cognitive processes

Peniston-Kulkosky Brainwave Neurofeedback Protocol... Full text article by Eugene Peniston on use of EEG biofeedback alpha-theta training as treatment for PTSD and alcoholism

Research on PTSD Diagnosis, Treatment & Etiology A thorough list of citations to published research, with abstracts, relating to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Richter (1957). On the phenomenon of sudden death in animals and man. Curt Richter's description of sudden death as a result of hopelessness

van der Kolk  Preface from Traumatic Stress:... edited by van der Kolk, McFarlane & Weisaeth (1996) Preface text provides an overview to Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body and Society.

Van der Kolk & Saporta (1991) Early article on "Biological response to psychic trauma: mechanisms and treatment of intrusion and numbing".

van der Kolk (2001 Hopper & Bessel) on combining clinical knowledge with laborary methods. Exploring the Nature of Traumatic Memory

van der Kolk (2001) discusses the diagnosis and the treatment of DESNOS, a severe form of PTSD. Assessment and Treatment of Complex PTSD

van der Kolk (2001Jim Hopper & Bessel) introduces a standardized method for retrieving traumatic memor Retrieving, Assessing, and Classifying Traumatic Memories

Yorke, 1986 published in the Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Reflections on The Problem of Psychic Trauma