Psychotherapy, and Trauma treatment Zürich  Online
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Personal:Dennis Gyurina, Universitätstr., 8006 Zürich

I’m an American-Swiss citizen and I work in English, German and in Swiss dialect.  I began work  as a therapist in my private practice in Zürich in 1985, and currently also work  in a group practice for psychiatry and psychotherapy. Prior to my training in Switzerland in analytical psychology, I worked in the USA for 15 years  as engineer in the field of chemical metallurgy research .


Licensed as an independent Psychotherapist
Department of Health, Kanton Zürich

Recognition for compliance with federal laws and regulations governing the psychology/psychotherapy  profession.



Professional skills / responsibilities:

During my 30 years of practice I’ve worked with adults in long and short-term psychotherapy with the wide variety of symptoms and disturbances that is usual for ambulant practice My strengths are in the following areas:

Treatment of adult victims of recent and childhood trauma including emotional neglect) and the associated disturbances,  especially PTSD and the dissociative disorders.
Problems in sexual orientation;
 (sexual identity, homosexuality, bisexuality)

Relationship problems resulting from difficulties in communication, expressing emotions,  sexual intimacy.

as well as:

         Low self esteem

         Anxiety and panic attacks

         Eating and Sleep disturbances


         Disorientation in time and place. 

I’m currently interested in the phenomena:

    Sexual and emotional Intimacy Issues

    Disturbances resulting from emotional
    neglect in childhood

    Chronic pain from whiplash injuries and the association with early childhood trauma

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Membership in professional organizations:

ASP (Association of Swiss Psychotherapists)

SGAP (Swiss Society for Analytical Psychology bis 2020)

ISSD  (International Society for the Study of Dissociation)

EMDR-Schweiz (Swiss Professional Society for  EMDR)

EMDR Europe (European Association for EMDR)

IFP ( International Fedration for Psychotherapy)-

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raining / education

Therapist for Trauma-focussed Psychotherapy
Psychotherapeutisches Institut im Park,
Schaffhausen, Switzerland 

EMDR-Institute , Switzerland

Diploma Analytical Psychology
C. G. Jung Institute Zürich

M.Sc.   S. Connecticut University
Connecticut, USA

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Therapy methods

The focus
is of course on the problem that the client presents and it’s effect on their ability to complete normal daily tasks and their ability to function in their personal, familial and  professional relationships. The client’s belief’s, behaviour patterns and especially bodily symptoms and ailments that seem to have no medical explanation are central to formulating a treatment strategy.

My role is to guide the client  in through 3 phases:

       1. understanding the cause of their problem

       2. becoming conscious of their own resources
       such as personality characteristics, successful
       coping strategies, as well as dreams, memories
       and their imagination

       3. learning to use their resources to change an
       old behaviour pattern, or an old idea that we
        identify as  being the cause of the problem.

The goal is to resume daily functioning and and
 personal growth.  Sometimes this means finding a
 new way to live with a problem or affliction rather
 than getting rid of it.
The keystones of my therapy method are:

      Jungian theories on how the the psyche
        functions,  in combination with the techniques
        of Watkins’ Ego-State Therapy, the behavioural
        therapies,  and especially the somatic therapy
       concepts of Levine and Rothschild.

       The clients’ own resources

        My skills and experience

When working with trauma victims I use
spcialized protocols such as the Screen Technique (l. Besser), and specific imaginative protocols that draw from the principles of Gestalt therapy,  Ego-State-Therapy,   and from the field of hypnotherapy. I also use the accelerated memory processing technique of  F. Shapiro, called EMDR. All protocols and techniques are  designed to stabilize the client enabling them to come  to terms with the experience without being re-traumatized.  The goal is to change the effect that the experience has had on the client’s behavior and daily functioning. -------------------------------------             ------------------

Other Activities:

1993 - 2004 Lecturer and examiner, Teaching analyst, C. G. Jung Institute Zürich

1997 - 2003 Participation in Research Project “Practice-based Study of long-term Psychotherapy” (PAL)

2004  - present  Teaching analyst  SGAP (Swiss Society for Analytical Psychology);  Subject area:  Symbol interpretation, developmental Psychology, Trauma

2014 - 2019  Psychotherapist Paracelsus Recovery Zürich, Addiction and Mental Health Clinic

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